Tuesday, November 6, 2012

personal thoughts of the elections

I must admit that I haven't been following the candidates and the debates as I should normally (job searching and schoolwork has definitely gotten in the way). If you must know my views, I lean a lot more to the right than the wrong.. err.. left (j/k).. reason being is because of the pro-choices, and support for homosexuality that most liberals support...along with socialism >< but that's another story... Though I was disappointed in the results, I really don't care..
For one, I believe that both have stupid religious stances... Romney is a Mormon, which is absolutely heretical... Obama is... well... I believe he's a Muslim, but that's what I think... my parents told me he goes to church, but going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than being in McDonalds makes you a Big Mac... so whichever is the lesser evil I guess....
What got me intrigued is the idolatry of the elections. The hope that one person can change the country. One person can give us what we need and will understand our views whether it's Obama or Romney... The second part are middle schoolers and high schoolers all of a sudden acting like they're class A politicians... I mean, what is this? when I was their age, I didn't care for the elections.... like at all.... why? because I can't make a difference...I was too busy with school and teenager stuff... and since when do you EVER win an argument on facebook or twitter... the best that can happen is a bunch of your friends gang up on the oddball out and they'll shut up in the end, making you feel better and watching your ego grow up to the size of Godzilla... because that's not arrogant at all...

Sorry friends, but I put my faith in something that won't go back on their word once they run into a group of people called Congress... so what's the worse that will happen? seriously? give me the worse and I'll give you Jesus... 1 Peter 3 gives us a perfect example of suffering... and believe me, I know suffering.. having no job is not fun right now and Obama won't make it any better either.... I'm not materialistic whatsoever, but there are still things I need to pay for while I'm here...  I know suffering is no fun.. but the Bible states the Christians will suffer.... this is not some easy religion where you need to do more and try harder.. so why do we treat it like that? Why do we try to escape suffering? Are we really trying to cling to this world that isn't ours to begin with?
1 Peter 2 states that we need to submit to our government... oh and by the way, we should try praying for them too.... not just today after the elections are over... but daily... which i know nobody do... not praying for them in the past and whining about it now is the same as praying to God ONLY when you need something...
Anyways.. that's my rant.... I'm sure we'll all be alive tomorrow... and the next day, and the next week and the next year and the next election.... which them people will think the world will end again but it'll be there the following day.. unless Jesus comes back that is... but then again, it sounds like nobody wants him to come back since we put idols of Romney or Obama in our minds...

some of this might not make sense... it's really late anyways... but peace out

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy wealthy ladies.....Mitt, Mitt, Mitt, Mitt, Mitt Romney Style!

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