Sunday, April 29, 2012

Death seems to stops time (The longest week ever)

When I entered the youth house today for sunday school, it hit me... just last week I taught the high schoolers. The reason I say this is because it seemed like a month ago since then.

It started just last Sunday, possibly one of the best days in a while. Guest taught the high schoolers, they were extremely engaging and open. One pulled me aside later and asked a few questions (I'm positive he's saved, just wanted to know some complex theology about predestination). Played basketball in the tournament and didn't do too bad. I was having an upbeat day. Suddenly, I received a text from my sister asking if I knew that 大伯父 (that's translated as big uncle, as in the oldest) died. Shock. All of a sudden my day did a 180 on me, and I was a bit upset with my parents not telling me. 

A little background on my uncle. He's about 20 some years older than my dad and the oldest in the family. My family consists of 3 uncles, 3 aunts, (not counting my dad) and many cousins, and their spouses. He lived in Charleston WV and was my the only relative I had in WV. He was a microbiologist at CAMC hospital and two years ago he underwent double (or triple i can't remember) heart bypass surgery which basically changed his life, made him extremely weak and basically warped his mind. He was placed in hospice and later to the hospital when his kidneys were failing. He was later told that his organs were shutting down and only had a day to live. His last wish was to go to Taiwan to see everyone one last time. Due to some very careless communication, my aunts and cousin arrived too late to see him before he died.

Due to this, I had to quickly but carefully plan my week. The funeral were set at Thursday and Friday and I had relatives coming in on different days. I already had to work this week and had to call off due to an emergency. I also had to skip a class (which I rarely do). By Wednesday afternoon, I had everything packed and left. The drive up went by pretty fast due to one question that I couldn't get out of my head: Was 大伯父 saved? He didn't show a lot of signs those last two years but the surgery did a number on him physically and mentally. 

When I got home, I was greeted by my dog of course, but also by my two aunts who came from Taiwan. Thursday came and my cousin from my 3rd uncle came in from LA. We went straight to the funeral home to get ready for the viewing. While the slideshow was going on, there were several pictures that interested me. The black and white family photo of course was entertaining to see my dad and the rest of my aunts and uncles when they were young. But the one that I took notice was my uncle being baptized and another when he was holding a Bible in his hand right after. Of course, baptism is not a ticket into heaven. But it encouraged me. The viewing went on, we all wept over his body and did some Chinese rituals and sang Amazing Grace. In the end, we all said our last goodbye and took one last look at his body.

Friday came, along with the memorial service. My uncle's daughter and son both spoke of their father. But one thing that they spoke about that I never realized until now was that my uncle had a very forgiving heart. If someone wronged him, he would just let it go. The pastor also spoke about his determination to be at church while he was weakened. Others stood up and told of his kindness and sacrifice towards others. Very encouraging. But the one that got me was my dad's speech. Even though he doesn't speak English well and it was hard to understand him at times, he basically told of a hymn that he heard when 大伯父 was in his final hours. Softy and Tenderly Jesus is Calling. "Come home, Come home, ye who are weary come home; Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling O sinner come home." Dad ended with his last words to his brother in Taiwanese. Even though nobody but a few understood it, we all kind of got a sense what he was saying.

I'm not God and I can't judge on where he is right now. But I'm pretty sure he's in a place with no more suffering and pain. A lot of my friends today at church asked me how my family was or if I was okay. I am truly thankful for friends that cares. And I gave them the same answer. "We'll all miss him, but he's in much better place now and I'm happy for him. But he will be missed."

Revelation 21:1-4 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Sunday, April 15, 2012

More Pledges! KLOVE!

I'm probably going to get a lot of flack on this.. but here goes.
NOTE.. if you dont want to read all of it... read the second half... the first half is an overview of klove and my snide remarks along with it..

KLOVE... our favorite, family friendly, Christian music radio station... established in 1982 in California, it soon launched into 440 stations across the U.S. (many thanks to wikipedia for the source)

However, in 2007, Mike Novak (aka, Mr. Krabs from Spongebob) took over as CEO of KLOVE... and from then on, it seems that every other season there seems to an abomination to mankind that is known as the pledge drive. (please don't quote me on this... KLOVE may have had pledge drives before 2007, but I vaguely remember first hearing about pledge drives around 07 or 08 while i was in college...)

the reason KLOVE has a pledge drive is because it is a listener supported radio station.. meaning that money that you donate help pays the bills and it also keeps advertisements off the air as icing on the cake...
While asking for money to help support a ministry of any sort is okay in my books.. Novak has turned this into a complete joke... (Novak might not be the one with the ideas.. but he is the responsible for going through with them)... Instead of doing this in a humble, quaint way... it's turned into a full blown circus... the DJs are acting (terribly) excited about getting to said goal with the sound effects of telephones going off in the background... They all sound stressed, chaotic, etc. and when they finally get a pledge from a sucker supporter, they act like Jesus just came back and Hallelujah He has risen indeed and all that sort..

Then at the end of the week, when the pledge drive is over and they (most likely) missed their goal (i think they actually hit it once or twice in the past).. Scrooge McDuck aka Mike Novak comes on every so often as the "commercial" and announces that they didn't meet the goal and what their plans are going forward... all this is in a disappointed tone with a hint of condescending... in other words... it sounds like he's saying to all the listeners "Hey all of you... you all screwed up" .. and to the chumps people that donated "why didn't you give more? you all are a bunch of screw ups as well"

But these examples aren't even what makes my skin crawl.. Here are 3 points on why the pledge drive is an utter joke

1) Literally begging for money - As I said before, asking for money for a ministry isn't bad... however, how they do it is in bad form... There's a difference between asking and begging; begging is asking over and over again with a sense of desperation while asking is once with a sense of wonder... it is asking if i hear it once in a while... it's begging when i get in my car and they're asking, i get out, get back in after a class and they're asking, get out and go to work, get in and they're asking, get back from bible study when it's nearly midnight and they're asking..

I'm literally writing this at 1:52 am and turned klove on and within 5 seconds i hear the word "pledge drive" ... i mean.. seriously.. are they hoping that somewhere, there's a midnight snacker that's going to his fridge in his underpants and go "huh.. im going to pledge to klove right now"

and here's the biggest kicker .. what happens if a lost person suddenly turns on klove (since that's what they're "biggest goal" seems to be).. they hear christians asking for money.. heyyy... that's a stereotype there... christians are after your money... /lost witness
seriously... chill out with saying pledge drive a gazillion times a day klove...

2) Twisting of Scripture ...this is seriously not a-okay with me... especially if they're doing it for their personal gain of trying to encourage givers...  I don't know if they do it now since I don't listen to them while they're doing their pledge drive.. not cool at all..

3) Song usage ..."After this next song, whoever pledges will win a CD pack" ... after this next song? You mean the song that is a prayer/story of a broken person/a cry out to Jesus... that song? KLOVE.. you're basically making a song that Steve Curtis Chapman wrote after his daughter died into a stopwatch to try to encourage someone to quickly donate money... anyone else see a problem with this??

well how would you propose to fix it then Shane? Well... I'm no expert in these type of things at all.. but I would suggest that you get rid of this whole "listener supported" junk and let some advertisements in... there are plenty of sponsors out there that would give money for some sort of airtime.. churches, Christian speakers... go for it... I don't know about you but when I hear "listener supportive" I don't go oooohhhh ahhhhhh..... I go "k" ... really it's not impressive to me at all and I don't get the hype of it all..

that's all folks